Kind Sharks
The best people to work with, in my experience, are kind sharks.
So if you are looking for an ideal partner / co-founder, I suggest filtering for the following traits:
- Very competent
- Exceedingly hard working
- Has a backbone
- Wants to win (this cannot be taught)
- Is loyal beyond measure
- Has a sound moral compass, aka will push the envelope but will not cross a certain line (this is also learned at a young age and cannot really be altered later)
- Will always revert to their core principles, beliefs and loyalty, even in the face of very tempting and lucrative alternatives (will not sell out)
Think about who you want in your foxhole, in the trenches by your side, whom you would trust with your family, home and bank account info.
Someone who is an absolute killer and will be a dangerous member of your team, but whom you will love and care for and who will love and care for you.
Incompetent, lazy, or otherwise weak people are not worthy allies. But similarly, killers with no sense of loyalty or Right and Wrong are just as bad if not worse. They are the type who might one day turn their back on you and trade you for something more beneficial to them.
You cannot build one of the world’s great wonders if your structure is not sound. So make sure you get that part right.